Business Information & Research
JETRO offers easy access to helpful information and references for the different stages of international trade and investment activities. This business information varies from trade and investment statistics, reports, trends, standards and regulations, ブラック ジャック 必勝 法 valuable insights for business expansion in Japan and around the world.
This section provides public information on Philippines' economic condition in terms of data and statistics from major government sources such as the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the Central Bank of the Philippines (BSP), and various government agencies.
TRADE STATISTICSMonthly highlights of the Philippine export and import statistics. Include statistical tables and press releases.
GENERAL IMPORT PROCEDUREOverview of the Philippines general import procedure, guidelines, and documentary requirement.
ECONOMIC INDICATORSMonthly and annual compilations of various statistical tables on external accounts, financial system, fiscal, prices, ブラック ジャック 必勝 法 real sector accounts.
STANDARDS AND REGULATIONSGuidelines on establishing, importing, registering, and licensing requirements of food, drugs, cosmetics, ブラック ジャック 必勝 法 health products, as released by the Philippines Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
TARIFF RATESSearch for the tariff rates on eligible products stipulated on different FTAs in this tariff finder provided by the Philippine Tariff Commission.
PHILIPPINE STATISTICAL YEARBOOKAn annual publication which contains a comprehensive compilation of major economic and social statistical information about the Philippines.
This section provides information on Japan's economy and markets. Browse trade statistics, economic indicators, JETRO's Japan economic reports and surveys that focus on current trends and topics in international trade and investment.
STANDARDS AND REGULATIONSNumerous documents devoted to Japan's standards and regulations concerning import and export procedures, rules of origin, tariff rates, ブラック ジャック 必勝 法 references, provided by the Japan Customs.
TRADE AND INVESTMENT STATISTICSFacts and figures about the Japanese economy, including balance of payments and international trade, plus an annual report on Japanese trade.
SURVEY REPORTSReports on a wide range of topics and issues related to trade, foreign direct investment and international economic agreements.
JETRO WHITE PAPERJETRO reports on trends and movements in international trade and investment, providing valuable insight on the business environments of Japan ブラック ジャック 必勝 法 countries.