無料 カジノ ゲームapanese-German/German-Japanese Innovation Initiative 160” – presentation of successful innovative cooperation examples in Berlin on Dec. 5, 2022

Nov 16, 2022

JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) and GTAI (Germany Trade and Invest) launched the 無料 カジノ ゲームapanese-German/German-Japanese Innovation Initiative 160” in the Japanese-German Centre Berlin (JDZB) on Dec. 05, 2022.

We are now inviting you to attend the 無料 カジノ ゲーム successful Japanese-German cooperation projects!

For details please see the program <PDF>(250KB) .

Link to the video of the event
Presentation of Successful Cases of the 無料 カジノ ゲームapanese-German/German-JapaneseInnovation Initiative 160” - YouTube