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Thus, the figures are different from those of 'FDI by Country/Region' that are compiled according to the Asset and Liability Principle. 520140(See note.8) 5Notes 5y0For after 2014, figures reflect the annual revision, therefore, some of them may differ from those of previous releases.q2. Owing to the revision of the BOP manual, there is no strict continuity in the data before 2013 and after 2014.?4. "0 "indicates an amount of less than one million US dollars; "-" indicates no investment recorded during the corresponding period.?6. "Manufacturing" and "Non-manufacturing" are not necessarily equal to the sum of the figures on the table. They also include "Other manufacturing"/"Other non-manufacturing" respectively.?7. For 2011, only figures of "Total" are revised by the notice of correction, released in Dec.10, 2012. The figures of industry breakdown data are not revised.?8. Figures after 2014 are complied accoding to the Directional Principle; that is, investments from an affiliated company in its parent company are recorded as withdrawals from the parent company.)3. "- "(minus sign) indicates net inflow. 5?Sources: Prepared by JETRO from "Balance of Payment Statistics" (Ministry of Finance, Bank of Japan) and "Foreign Exchange Rate"(Bank of Japan).-5. .% share indicates the share in the total. 5?1.Figures were first released in Japanese yen and converted to US dollars quarterly using Bank of Japan average inter-bank rates.0From 2014 to 2021, the annual revision data are converted using annual average rate. 5January-March 5 April-June 5July-September 5(Unit:US$ million, %)October-December 5% share../*Copyright (C) 2024 JETRO. All rights reserved. 2024 Jan-Jun 5n.a.?:hC ?Dt1F?gG ?J-?OS ?P=cc??B????? ZO?? .4St?V? d????MbP?_*+??%????& ?B?P(??'????x?-K??@t摅???@t??PD`(?@txjQ??h?@tsb?)?@tA?ً2??@??W?]??@?p??\?B?@?L??w?@? /?t?O?@? ?-? ?-?F$Y'??@???>/&u>@F?? 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