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China ? ?Hong Kong ? ?Taiwan? ?Republic of Korea ? ?Singapore ? ?Thailand ? ?Malaysia ? ?Indonesia? ?Philippines ? ?Brunei ? ?Viet Nam? ?Laos? ?The Union of Myanmar ? ?Cambodia? ?India ? ?Pakistan? ?Bangladesh ? ?Srilanka ? ?Maldive? ?Nepal ? ?Bhutan? ?North Korea ? ?Mongol? ?MacaoOceania ? ?Australia? ?New Zealand? ?Papua New GuineaNorth America ? ?U.S.A. ? ?CanadaNAFTACentral South America MERCOSUR4 ? ?Mexico ? ?Panama ? ?Bahamas? ?Puerto Rico (U.S.A.) ? ?Colombia ? ?Venezuela? ?Peru? ?Chile ? ?Brazil ? ?Argentina ? ?Paraguay ? ?Uruguay? ?Costa RicaEuropeEuropean Union15 ? ?Germany ? ?France? ?United Kingdom? ?Italy ? ?Denmark ? ?Ireland? ?Netherlands ? ?Belgium? ?Luxembourg? ?Spain ? ?Portugal ? ?Greece ? ?Austria ? ?Sweden ? ?Finland ? ?Iceland ? ?Norway? ?Switzerland ? ?Poland? ?Czech ? ?Slovak ? ?Hungary ? ?Estonia ? ?Latvia ? ?Lithuania ? ?Slovenia ? ?Cyprus? ?Malta ? ?Bulgaria ? ?Romania ? ?Turkey ? ?CroatiaRussia, CIS countries ? ?Russia ? ?Ukraine ? ?Belarus ? ?Moldova? ?Azerbaidjan ? ?Armenia ? ?Georgia? ?Uzbekistan? ?Kazakhstan ? ?Kyrgyz? ?Tadzhikistan? ?Turkmenistan Middle East? ?Iran? ?Iraq? ?Saudi Arabia ? ?Kuwait? ?The United Arab Emirates? ?Oman ? ?Bahrain? ?Qatar ? ?IsraelAfrica? ?Egypt ? ?Algeria ? ?Morocco? ?Kenya ? ?Tanzania ? ?Zimbabwe ? ?Nigeria? ?Republic of Ivory Coast ? ?Cameroon#? ?Democratic Republic of The Congo? ?Canary Islands (Sp.) ? ?Liberia? ?South AfricaAPEC(Note),Area groupings defined here are as follows :+East Asia - Asian NIEs, ASEAN4, P.R. China.=Asian NIEs - Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore.4ASEAN4 - Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia.5NAFTA - U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico (U.S.A.).1MERCOSUR4 - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay.?European Union15 - Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Sweden, Finland.mEuropean Union25 - EU15, Poland, Czech, Slovak, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta.?APEC - U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, P.R. China, Asian NIEs, ASEAN4, Brunei, Viet Nam, Russia, Peru.(Source)ItemValueY on Y %Others????(Source) See Table 1.Food & Direct ConsumersIndustrial Supplies? ? Crude Materials? ? Mineral Fuels? ? Industrial Chemicals ? ? Metals ? ? TextilesCapital Equipment? ? Non-Electric Machinery? ? Electric Equipment? ? Transport EquipmentConsumer Non-Durable Goods? ? Textile ProductsConsumer Durable Goods? ? Household Equipment? ? Domestic Electric Equipment? ? Passenger Cars? ? Motorcycles & Bicycles? ? Toys & Musical Instruments4Prepared from Ministry of Finance, Trade Statistics.#39Table 1 Value of Exports and Imports by Area and Country  56Table 5 Imports by Special Classification of Commodity 56Table 4 Exports by Special Classification of Commodity 5&Table 3 Imports by Principal Commodity 5&Table 2 Exports by Principal Commodity 5European Union27Total 5 Foodstuff 5Raw Materials 5 Minral Fuels 5 Chemicals 500Organic Chemicals 500Medical Products 500Plastic Materials 5Manufactured Goods 500Iron and Steel Products 500Nonferrous Metals 500Manufactures of Metals 500Textile Yarn, Fabrics 500Non-Metallic Mineral Ware 500Rubber Manufactured 500Paper & Paper Manufactures 5 Machinery 500Power Generating Machine 500Domputers and Units 500Parts of Computer 500Metalworking Machinery 500Pump and Centrifuges 500Construction Machines 500Mechanical Handling Equip 500Heating or Cooling Machine 500Textile Machines 500Ball or Roller Bearings 5Electrical Machinery 500Semiconductors etc 50000IC 500Visual Apparatus 50000Video Rec or Repro App 50000TV Receiver 500Audio Apparatus 500Parts of Audio Visual App. 500Electrical Power Machinery 500Telephony, Telegraphy 500Electrical Measuring 500Electrical Apparatus 500Batteries and Accumulators 5Transport Equipment 500Motor Vehicles 50000Car 50000Bus & Truck 500Parts of Motor Vehicles 500Motorcycles, Autocycles 500Ships 5Others 500Scientific, Optical Inst 500Photographic Supplies 500Blank/Recorded Media 5Total 5 Foodstuff 500Fish and Fish Preparation 50000Shrimps, Prawns, Lobsters 500Meat and Meat Preparation 500Cereals, Cereal Preparation 5 00Vegetables 500Fruits 5Raw Materials 500Wood 500Ore of Nonferrous 500Iron Ore and Concentrates 5 00Soy Beans 5Mineral Fuels 5 00Petroleum 500Petroleum Products 50000Petroleum Spirits 500LNG 500LPG 500Coal 5 Chemicals 500Organic Chemicals 500Medical Products 5Manufactured Goods 500Iron and Steel Products 500Nonferrous Metals 500Manufactures of Metals 500Textile Yarn, Fabrics 500Non-Metallic <0Mineral Ware 500Wood & Cork Manufactured 5 Machinery 500Power Generating Machine 500Computers and Units 500Parts of Computer 5Electrical Machinery 500Semiconductors Etc. 50000IC 500Audio and Visual Apparatus 50000Video Rec or Repro App 500Electrical Power Machinery 500Telephony, Telegraphy 500Electrical Measuring 5Transport Equipment 500Motor Vehicles 500Parts of Motor Vehicles 5 00Aircraft 5Others 500Scientific, Optical Inst 500Clothing and Accessories 5 00Furniture 500Bags 5hQn?"< ?v??o???S#????y??S??R"?????????q ?? ?b k; & ?V!&V#&Y%)K'e)5D+?,??.{80?1??3??5?7-cc? ???? $?xB?O&]nj?wr{ d????MbP?_*+??%????M?\\Mars\7F LS-6800??? dXXdPcK&H? 4? --h?-7?h4? <*D?2*z?00000000L ?-L ?-?dd ?? ??XX????0?J,X?<????????dPcK N&?>yY?y?" dXX????Mb??????Mb??U} ?}  }  ?  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