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China ? ?Hong Kong ? ?Taiwan? ?Republic of Korea ? ?Singapore ? ?Thailand ? ?Malaysia ? ?Indonesia? ?Philippines ? ?Brunei ? ?Viet Nam? ?Laos? ?The Union of Myanmar ? ?Cambodia? ?India ? ?Pakistan? ?Bangladesh ? ?Srilanka ? ?Maldive? ?Nepal ? ?Bhutan? ?North Korea ? ?Mongol? ?MacaoOceania ? ?Australia? ?New Zealand? ?Papua New GuineaNorth America ? ?U.S.A. ? ?CanadaNAFTACentral South America MERCOSUR4 ? ?Mexico ? ?Panama ? ?Bahamas? ?Puerto Rico (U.S.A.) ? ?Colombia ? ?Venezuela? ?Peru? ?Chile ? ?Brazil ? ?Argentina ? ?Paraguay ? ?Uruguay? ?Costa RicaEuropeEuropean Union25European Union15 ? ?Germany ? ?France? ?United Kingdom? ?Italy ? ?Denmark ? ?Ireland? ?Netherlands ? ?Belgium? ?Luxembourg? ?Spain ? ?Portugal ? ?Greece ? ?Austria ? ?Sweden ? ?Finland ? ?Iceland ? ?Norway? ?Switzerland ? ?Poland? ?Czech ? ?Slovak ? ?Hungary ? ?Estonia ? ?Latvia ? ?Lithuania ? ?Slovenia ? ?Cyprus? ?Malta ? ?Bulgaria ? ?Romania ? ?Turkey ? ?CroatiaRussia, CIS countries ? ?Russia ? ?Ukraine ? ?Belarus ? ?Moldova? ?Azerbaidjan ? ?Armenia ? ?Georgia? ?Uzbekistan? ?Kazakhstan ? ?Kyrgyz? ?Tadzhikistan? ?Turkmenistan Middle East? ?Iran? ?Iraq? ?Saudi Arabia ? ?Kuwait? ?The United Arab Emirates? ?Oman ? ?Bahrain? ?Qatar ? ?IsraelAfrica? ?Egypt ? ?Algeria ? ?Morocco? ?Kenya ? ?Tanzania ? ?Zimbabwe ? ?Nigeria? ?Republic of Ivory Coast ? ?Cameroon#? ?Democratic Republic of The Congo? ?Canary Islands (Sp.) ? ?Liberia? ?South AfricaAPEC(Note),Area groupings defined here are as follows :+East Asia - Asian NIEs, ASEAN4, P.R. China.=Asian NIEs - Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore.4ASEAN4 - Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia.5NAFTA - U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico (U.S.A.).1MERCOSUR4 - Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay.?European Union15 - Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Denmark, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Austria, Sweden, Finland.mEuropean Union25 - EU15, Poland, Czech, Slovak, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta.?APEC - U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, P.R. China, Asian NIEs, ASEAN4, Brunei, Viet Nam, Russia, Peru.(Source)ItemValueY on Y % FoodstuffTextiles? ?Synthetic Fabrics Chemicals? ?Organic Chemicals ? ?PlasticNon-metallic Manufactures.? ?China WareMetals? ?Iron & Steel Products? ?Non-Ferrous Metals? ?Metal-ProductsMachinery other than electric? ?Power Generating Machinery? ?Office Machinery)? ? ? ?Automatic data processing machines? ?Metalworking Machinery? ?Constr., Mining Match. ? ?Heating or Cooling Equipments? ?Pump Centrifuges!? ?Mechanical Handling EquipmentsElectric Equipment? ?Electric Power Machinery? ?Visual apparatus? ? ? ?T.V. Receivers ? ? ? ?VTR? ? ? ?Television Cameras? ?Audio apparatus? ? ? ?Radio Receivers$? ?Parts of audio & visual apparatus? ?Telecommunications apparatus5? ?Thermionic. etc., valves, tubes, transistors, etc.%? ? ? ?Electronic integrated circuits1? ?Electrical measuring & controlling instrumentsTransport Equipment? ?Motor Vehicles? ? ? ?Motor Cars? ? ? ?Buses & Trucks? ?Parts of motor Vehicles? ?Motorcycles ? ?VesselsPrecision Instruments"? ?Scientific & Optical equipments? ? ? ?Copying apparatus? ?Watches & ClocksOthers? ?Paper Manufs? ?Rubber Tyres & Tubes+? ?Photographic & chinematographic supplies? ?Records, Tape & the like????(Source) See Table 1.? ?Meat? ?Fish & Shellfish? ? ? ?Shrimps? ?Wheat? ?Maize ? ?Fruits? ?Vegetables? ?Alcoholic BeveragesRaw Materials ? ?Soy Beans? ?Wood? ?Pulp ? ?Iron Ore? ?Non-Ferrous Metal OreMineral Fuels? ?Coal&? ?Petroleum, Crude and partly refined? ?Petroleum Products? ? ? ?Motor Spirit? ? ? ?Residual Fuel Oils? ?L.P.G? ?L.N.G? ?Medical ProductsTextile"? ?Clothing & clothing accessories ? ?Diamonds? ?Copper & Copper alloys? ?Alminium & Alminium alloysMachinery & Equipments? ?Audio & visual apparatusA? ?Thermionic. etc., valves, tubes, Photocells, transistors, etc. ? ?Aircrafts? ?Wood manufactures ? ?Furniture$? ?Travel goods hand bags & articles? ?GoldFood & Direct ConsumersIndustrial Supplies? ? Crude Materials? ? Mineral Fuels? ? Industrial Chemicals ? ? Metals ? ? TextilesCapital Equipment? ? Non-Electric Machinery? ? Electric Equipment? ? Transport EquipmentConsumer Non-Durable Goods? ? Textile ProductsConsumer Durable Goods? ? Household Equipment? ? Domestic Electric Equipment? ? Passenger Cars? ? Motorcycles & Bicycles? ? Toys & Musical Instruments4Prepared from Ministry of Finance, Trade Statistics.# 3(Thousands of US dollars, %) 58Table 1 Value of Exports and Imports by Area and Country 5&Table 2 Exports by Principal Commodity 5&Table 3 Imports by Principal Commodity 56Table 4 Exports by Special Classification of Commodity 5(Source) See Table 1. 5 6Table 5 Imports by Special Classification of Commodity 5?? v\???I??#)?? y???ZS??(,???z??o?J? ?? ?$ ?? ??V?'??!9??I? |!?'"??"i?$@cc? ???? $??.E<?I?Vd?i d????MbP?_*+??%????M?\\SVTOKYO-04\PR-A-OR-M-026?? ? 4dXA4NPDL Level2 FormJKN\4!??d2222PC-A-OR-508??|Kaoru_Yoshida@ ? ?? ??? ????qY ? ? 4A4?4!d? 4?d'''',Kaoru_Yoshida?" dX????Mb??????Mb??U} ? (}  }  }  }  ?  Y?) ?) ?)  ?) ?)  ?)                           ? M?MMMMMMMMMM ?NNNNNNNNNNN ? O?OOOOOOOOOO P~ RP?@? RS? RS? 5? RS?  R S?QTTU? TU? 6? TU?  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