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Therefore, "World"is not necessarily equal to the sum of regional component. 5NJapan's Inward FDI by Country/Region (Balance of Payments basis, net and flow) 5Geramny 5 Midlle East 5-- 5?4."-"(minus sign) indicates net outflow; "0" indicates an amount of less than one million US dollars; "-" indicates no investments recorded during the corresponding period. 5 Reference 1.Because the dollar conversion method and the FDI definition have changed, there is no strict continuity in the data before 1995 and after1996. For after 2014, figures reflect the annual revision, therefore, some of them may differ from those of previous releases.?Sources: Prepared by JETRO from "Balance of Payment Statistics" (Ministry of Finance, Bank of Japan) and "Foreign Exchange Rate"(Bank of Japan).Notes: 582.Figures from 1983 to 1994 were released in US dollars.3.Figures were first released in Japanese yen and converted into US dollars using Bank of Japan average inter-bank rates, semiannually in 1995 and quarterly from 1996. For after 2014, figures reflect the annual revision, therefore, some of them may differ from those of previous release.Vietnamj7.Due to the EU Enlargement, member states have changed. (10 member states until Spain and Portugal joined in 1986, Austria, Finland and Sweden in 1995, plus 10 accession states (AC10) in 2004, Bulgaria and Romania from 2007, 28 countries including Croatia from 2013, and 27 countries excliding UK from 2020) Germany from 1983 to 1987 includes West Germany only. 52022r2023r 5/*Copyright (C) 2024 JETRO. All rights reserved.10. r is revised. 5?J?> ???@?A?B?C?E??G?uL?cc?J ?PK!????[Content_Types].xml???N?0E?H???-J??@%?ǎǢ|?ș$?ز?U??L?TB? l,?3??;?r??Ø??J??B+$?G]??7O٭V??B?u???I?sa??fgB?9芊?c??r????1?}????NOl?C??r?qnI??N?S'?Zi?Ͷ?k?P??;88?;jya?:[?2G?i??d6@?+{???????a???b?ϼ-N(??㨃??'????@???G??{{??@????[?ɨ?'P?????Ƅ.?^z? ?ō?)??}ߠ???Bq??V????׿????O??????#G?Z?-??????rf/J?J????E??|??Ķ???Mk?^g???h#??񛢰n?є|?3??셒_r?*????? 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