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ブラック ジャック ランキングf MOC with Uruguay XXI

March 2019

On March 4, JETRO concluded a memorandum of cooperation (MOC) with the Uruguay Investment, Export and Country Brand Promotion Agency, or Uruguay XXI, a Uruguayan organization tasked with promoting trade and investment, with the aim of facilitating business exchange between the two countries.

On the occasion of Prime Minister Abe's official visit to Uruguay last December, the first by a Japanese leader, it was confirmed that JETRO would send a business mission there this April in order to encourage Japanese companies to invest into the Mercosur region to build up value chains. This would be the first such mission by ブラック ジャック ランキング the country in six years.

Activities have been implemented toward expanding trade and investment between the two countries, as seen in the enactment of agreements such as on investment in 2017 and on two-way exports of fresh beef this February.

Under these circumstances, taking the opportunity of a visit to Japan by Foreign Affairs Undersecretary Ariel Bergamino and Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Enzo Benech, the Uruguay-Japan Business Forum and a signing ceremony for the MOC were held in the presence of the two dignitaries.

Based on this MOC, JETRO and Uruguay XXI will strengthen ties and work together in facilitating business collaboration by utilizing each other's network, sharing information and holding seminars based on mutual interest.

VIP photo session


Date and time Monday, March 4, 14:15 – 14:30
Venue Ark Hills Club, Floor 37, Room Ebony (1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Antonio Carámbula Sagasti, Executive Director, Uruguay XXI
Toshio Kii, Director General, JETRO Buenos Aires
Ariel Bergamino, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Enzo Benech, Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Hiroyuki Ishige, Chairman and CEO, JETRO