カード ゲーム ブラック ジャック

Date October 15, 2025 - October 17, 2025
City / Country Tokyo / Japan / Asia
Venue ブラック ジャック アプリ Survey Reports,JETRO White
Expected floor size :16,000 sq.m.
Items to be exhibited Logistics equipment (material handling, picking systems, pallets, containers, carts, baskets, nestainers, warehouse operation support equipment, vehicle equipment, forklifts, energy-saving equipment, freezing and refrigeration equipment, protective fences, engineering, etc.), temperature control and distribution management, packaging for distribution, logistics services , food EC-related systems, warehouse robots , and other systems and other systems. Automated guided vehicle (AGV), autonomous automatic guided vehicle (AMR), etc.), food logistics DX (warehouse management systems, delivery route optimization, automatic vehicle dispatch planning, truck reservation reception systems, warehouse utilization services, wireless communication automatic recognition systems, etc.)
For Visitors Eligibility : Trade only
Method of admission : Apply/register online / Registration/tickets available at event
For details, please contact the organizer directly.
Organizer Japan Processed Foods Wholesalers Association / JFIA(Japan Food Industry Association)
Tel : +81-3-3503-7661
E-mail : office@food-exhibition.info
Inquiry Form : https://www.food-exhibition.info/contact/
Message from organizer A specialized exhibition contributing to the improvement of operational efficiency and problem solving in food logistics. Companies that propose logistics facilities, systems, and services unique to food products will exhibit. This is a must-see exhibition for food wholesalers, distributors, food manufacturers, retailers, and food service logistics departments. Concurrent Exhibitions: Food System Solutions / Food Safety Japan / Food Factory / Souzai & Delicatessen Japan
Held with concurrent exhibitions.
Frequency Annual
last fair information 2024 year
Total number of visitors : 17931
Expected floor size : 16,000 sq.m.
The past records may include concurrent/joint exhibits.
Official website For more detailed information of the trade fair, please check the official website External site: a new window will open. of the individual organizer.
last update December 20, 2024


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