21 トランプ 2025

Date May 19, 2025 - May 22, 2025
City / Country Tehran / Iran / Middle East
Venue Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds
Items to be exhibited Agricultural Machines, Farming, Tractors, Harvesting Equipment, Analytical Equipment, Dryers, Cleaners, Silos and Storage Systems, Feeding Equipment, Fish Farming Equipment, Grains, Grain Systems, Greenhouse and Greenhouse Plastics and Equipment, Irrigation Systems, Livestock and Poultry Breeding, Milk Processing Equipment, Milling and Mixing Installations/Equipment, Pesticides and Fertilizers, Poultry Equipment, Seeds, Seedlings, Stable Equipment, Veterinary Syringes
For Visitors Eligibility : Trade only
For details, please contact the organizer directly.
Organizer fairtrade Messe GmbH
Address : Heidelberg, Germany
Person : Nadja Lukanowski
Tel : +49-6221456512
E-mail : n.lukanowski@fairtrade-messe.de
Inquiry Form : https://www.iran-agrofood.com/contact/
Message from organizer 2025 marks the 32nd edition of this key industry gathering for Iran's agro industry. Organised by fairtrade Messe and their Iranian partners Palar Samaneh, 21 トランプ will once again take place at the Tehran International Fairgrounds.
Frequency Annual
last fair information 2024 year
Total number of visitors : 40000
Total number of exhibitors : 847
Expected floor size : 3,100 sq.m.
The past records may include concurrent/joint exhibits.
Official website For more detailed information of the 21 トランプ, please check the official website External site: a new window will open. of the individual organizer.
last update December 13, 2024


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