ブラック ジャック トランプ 無料ydney 2015 Spring Newsletter Released
Oct 06, 2015
ブラック ジャック トランプ 無料ydney announces the publication ofthe Spring2015 Edition of our Quarterly Newsletter, produced by our Sydney team.
As always, ブラック ジャック トランプ 無料pring 2015 Newsletter is a hyperlinked PDF file, that is equally suitable in soft and hard copy form.This issue is sevenpages in total and features an in depth article by Special Guest Ben Sparrow of Shinka Management.
This feature include:
- Managing Director's Message: A special message from our MD, Mr Shuichi Hirano, on JETRO’s recent Japan-Victoria Business Forum.
- Feature Article: Ben Sparrow explains the concept of “lean management” and how Australia companies are beginning to its lessons and methods through exposure to counterparts in Japan.
- Manuel’s View: ‘Australian & Japanese Economic Intelligence’ Director Manuel Panagiotopoulos’ writes about the agricultural “industrial revolution” in Japan and changes to Intellectual Property laws in the biotechnology sector.
- New Researh: ブラック ジャック トランプ 無料ydney Officer Kevin Gibb looks at the changes being flagged by Japan’s Council for Regulatory Reform across a range of industries.
- Success Case: Read about how ブラック ジャック トランプ 無料ydney office of global communications technology provider Riedel Communications spearheaded a move into the Japanese market.
- Editor’s Corner: Editor and Business Development Coordinator Daniel O’Toole looks at developments in Australia’s rail industry and how Japanese companies could play a role in future projects.
We hope you enjoy this issue. Thank you for your continued support of Japan and JETRO’s mission.
To download the Newsletter, please click the link below: