ブラック ジャック webydney English Newsletter - Summer 2014/15 edition

Jan 13, 2015

Welcome to the Summer Edition of ブラック ジャック webydney's Quarterly Newsletter. This edition is produced as a hyperlinked PDF file that can be downloaded via the link below. This issue is six pages in total and features Special Guest André Bishop, a sake expert and restaurant/bar proprietor officially titled a "Sake Samurai", who writes about his involvement in the industry and how it has changed over his decades in it.


Welcome to the Summer Edition of ブラック ジャック webydney's Quarterly Newsletter.

This edition is produced as a hyperlinked PDF file that can be downloaded via the link below.

This issue is six pages in total and features Special Guest André Bishop, a sake expert and restaurant/bar proprietor officially titled a "Sake Samurai", who writes about his involvement in the industry and how it has changed over his decades in it.

Our features include:

• A special message from our Managing Director, Shuichi Hirano, on how trade and cultural ties build virtuous self-sustaining cycles.
• André Bishop’s article on the sake industry in Australia and where it has the most potential to grow.
• Details of Austrade and JETRO’s recently signed Memorandum of Understanding.
• Special Report: ブラック ジャック webydney’s research officer Alice Byron looks at new needle-free medical technology coming out of Japan and how special economic zones will foster more work in the field more broadly in the future.
• A view from Manuel Panagiotopoulos, of 'Australian & Japanese Economic Intelligence', on how Australian investment in Asia is lagging, and how the various FTA's can remedy the situation.
• Editors Corner: Editor and Business Development Coordinator Daniel O'Toole details why Japan’s economy remains strong in spite of recent growth and how investment in Japan has the potential to go further.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Thank you for your continued support of Japan and JETRO's mission.