オンライン カジノ ブラック ジャックydney English Newsletter - Winter 2014 Edition
Jun 30, 2014
オンライン カジノ ブラック ジャックydney has just released the Winter Edition of our Quarterly Newsletter.
In this issue, we look at the signing of the historic Japan Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA), with former Ambassador to Japan Murray McLean providing some history on how it all came about. Economist Manuel Panagiotopoulos also provides his view of the deal, and we speak to the Lloy Downey, the author of 'Entering New Markets', on the changes and challenges governments face in approaching new trading partners.
Our features include:
• Special Guest View from Murray McLean, Murray McLean - Australian Ambassador to Japan between 2004 and 2011 and current Chair of DFAT’s Australia Japan Foundation. Mr McLean recalls his time in Japan and how the embassy prepared the first steps toward the JAEPA.
• An introduction to オンライン カジノ ブラック ジャックydney’s New Managing Director, Shuichi Hirano.
• Outgoing Managing Director, Takashi Tsuchiya, delivers his final word the time he has spent in Sydney and the changes he has witnessed.
• A new and recent Successful Investment Case Study: Déjà vu Sake, a company that is bringing Japan’s more sophisticated sakes to Australia.
• Guest View from Manuel Panagiotopoulos – “A Watershed Moment for Australia and Japan”, Manuel looks at the JAEPA and how to extends beyond trade into security.
• Special Report: Our editor reviews the International Trading Commission’s “Entering New Markets: A Guide for Trade Representatives” and interviews its author, Lloyd Downey.
• ‘More to Japan than Sushi & Toyotas’: オンライン カジノ ブラック ジャックydney’s Assistant Managing Director, Kunihiko Nakai, looks at the transcendent power of Japanese culinary culture and new areas the country’s innovative industries are expanding into.
• Editors Note: “Imbalances in the relationship” - our editor looks at the gap in FDI between Australia and Japan.
Thank you for your continued support of Japan and JETRO’s mission.
We hope you enjoy this issue.
(Editor: Daniel O’Toole)
Please click the pdf link below to view the newsletter in full.
- オンライン カジノ ブラック ジャックydney WinterNewsletter2014 <PDF>(3433KB)